When DIY becomes an adventure

In my career as an architect…

I have had the privilege of transforming many spaces, but some stories remain particularly memorable. Today, I want to share one of these experiences with you, hoping it can be both inspiring and thought-provoking.

Once the works started…

Once the construction began, the lady, to whom I sent daily executive drawings and details of every part of the project, was supposed to guide the mason, plasterer, electrician, etc. The chosen professionals, although individually competent, had never worked together and lacked effective coordination. The client’s independent management, who also couldn’t properly interpret the various drawings, led to execution disasters and consequent delays.

The delivery of materials did not coincide with the timing of the work, the different professionals did not communicate with each other, and unforeseen issues kept piling up. Every day seemed to bring a new challenge. And I was only involved in the project management when there was a problem to solve…

The result?

An interminable construction site, with long pauses between one job and another, many repairs of mistakes due to the lack of experienced coordination, and the erroneous belief that being an architect and a construction site manager is something within everyone’s reach. Naturally, this caused stress and frustration for my client, and an increasing desire to finally see her dream realized.

In the end, she decided to turn to me to resolve the situation and gave me the direction of the work and the coordination of the various professionals.

A new management

With careful planning and centralized management, we were able to restore order and harmony to the project. Every phase was meticulously handled, with close collaboration among all the involved professionals. In a short time, the attic was transformed into an elegant retreat, exceeding even the client’s initial expectations.

This experience demonstrated how crucial the role of an architect is in managing renovation projects. Coordinating various professionals, ensuring every detail aligns with the client’s vision, and promptly resolving unforeseen issues are fundamental aspects for the success of any transformation.

If you are planning to renovate your bedroom and don’t want to run into my client’s problems and delays, call me for a consultation. I will be happy to help you and achieve your desired goals.

Every project is a unique adventure, and I am always here to guide you along the way, turning your expectations into livable and enjoyable realities.